An app for NSU digital marketing MKT330 course

Lost of prescription, doctors sloppy handwriting, medication mistakes (wrong dose,wrong time, missed dose,wrong drug, wrong route of administration), lack of patients previous heath record and medicine data; sophisticating health treatment of patients all over the Bangladesh. Only the medication mistake alone has rises adverse drug reaction effect, and as a result injure more than 15,00,000 people annually only in America (I.O.M 2017 study). So, what's about Bangladesh? More than 1000 people dying annually only in Bangladesh because of misunderstanding the instructions and medicine written by doctors. In the meantime, lots of patient cannot read the handwritten prescription. Antibiotic resistant becoming epidemic in Bangladesh for medication mistakes and unavailability of previous medicine used data. Therefore we are bringing the app base health and medical services across the country to reducing injury and death rate occurs only for Lost of prescription, doctors sloppy h...